Functions of SPEG
The basic funtions of SPEG are:
- Arrange sea-freight space on assigned vessels.
- Consolidate cargo for vessel operators.
- Co-ordinates shipping arrangements on behalf of its members.
- Oversee loading of cargo at the port and prepare all documents covering exporters' shipments.
- Undertake lobbying of Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Service Providers on policies the will promote pineapple production and export.
- Provides technical support services in Good Agricultural Practices, post harvest handling and food safety.
- Undertake market promotion and provide market information services
Quality Policy Statement
SPEG is a long established group of pineapple exporters specialized in the export of pineapples, (cv. Smooth Cayenne, MD2, Queen, Sugar loaf). Our intention is to make sure that good quality pineapples from members are shipped in order to satisfy the demands of our customers over and above any of our competitors.
To achieve this we ensure that members are actively encouraged to work towards recocognized quality/standard certification such as GLOBALPGAP as well as maintaining an on-farm and packhouse pre-shipment inspection.
Compliance with the national and international standards is ensured by SPEG’s policy of total member awareness and actively encouraging them to participate in all training. As a result of our full commitment to this policy, we have achieved the reputation of being one of the largest pineapple exporters in the country exporting over 25,000MT of pineapples.
Quality Production
- Use of approved modern techniques in production
- Integrated crop production/GAP principles in production
- Integrated approach in management of pests and diseases
- Conduct of various trials on new cultivars
Quality Products
- Harvesting at optimum time of maturity
- Shipment not grater than 48 hours after harvest
- Packing to meet our customers' need